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Your Voice. Our Community.  | 
Since 1954

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Mission:  Protecting and enhancing the quality of life in Clairemont

through community philanthropy.

Originally established by the Clairemont Town Council, the CTC Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation which serves as a public charity for the Clairemont community in San Diego.  

The Foundation develops financial support for the community through grant writing and fundraising. It fulfills its mission by supporting local programs that will benefit the residents and businesses of Clairemont, with an emphasis on neighborhood improvement, community development, and public art. 

Public Art Program

The CTC Foundation encourages human interactions with public places by the creation, placement and retention of public art. The Public Art Program encourages placemaking through the development of public art projects to elevate the aesthetic quality of life in Clairemont. The public art program also supports the preservation of Clairemont’s historic and cultural landscapes. The CTC Foundation pursues projects and provides funding for public art projects.

Neighborhood Improvement Program

The Foundation encourages the development of vibrant residential communities and stewardship over the changing built environment of Clairemont through the Neighborhood Improvement Program, including streets, greenery, and access. The CTC Foundation receives proposals for projects and will provide or help obtain additional funding for selected projects. 

Community Development Program

The Foundation encourages community members to take collective action and generate solutions to tackle areas of improvement in Clairemont. The Community Development Program focuses on revitalization and promoting economic opportunity to community members and groups. The CTC Foundation will provide or help obtain funding for selected projects.

Projects - past AND PRESENT

In past years, the CTC and CTC Foundation have proudly provided numerous grants and sponsorships to community organizations. Grants and other projects included:

  • Sponsorship of school gardens at Clairemont Elementary Schools
  • Clairemont Family Day Hospitality Tent
  • Holiday Adopt-a-Family with four needy local families
  • Morena Banner District established to promote Clairemont events and programs
  • Holiday event for seniors at Salvation Army
  • Bike Clairemont workshops and training
  • Pedestrian bridge upgrade in local canyons
  • Clairemont Garden Tour
  • Painting of transformer boxes in Council District 2 
  • Money for technology advancements at Cadman Elementary
  • Sensory wall at Whitman Elementary 
  • ADHD-based learning program at Holmes Elementary
  • Updates to the Clairemont Senior Center
  • Computer chairs at Balboa Branch Library, 
  • New books for the Clairemont High School library 
  • Historic Route 101 signs for Morena Blvd

2023 CTC Foundation

Board of Directors

 Carrie Munson President
Karen Kennedy Secretary
 Lynn Little Chief Financial Officer

 Lynn Haims

Judey Petix          Director
Linda Sorrentino


Barbarah TorresDirector

Clairemont Town Council

Mission Statement

Our mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life in our community by providing a forum for discussion on issues that  affect the residents and businesses within Clairemont. 

Become a Member

 Email or Call Us

Email: contact@clairemontonline.com


Clairemont Town Council
PO Box 17793
San Diego, CA 92177

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